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AP Studio Art: 2D

During my Senior year in Denver Academy of Torah High School I was yet again gifted with the opportunity to be taught by Faith Williams Dyrsten. This year we completed the AP Studio Art 2D Portfolio which concentrates on the principles of design such as placement on page, color, and line making. The following pieces were created for this portfolio with all of the above in mind.

Breadth Section of AP 2D Portfolio

The following is a collection of the twelve pieces created for an AP Art 2D Portfolio Breadth 2017-2018. This section is all place to showcase the diversity of styles, materials, and concepts.

Concentration Section of AP 2D Portfolio

The following is a collection of the nine pieces created for an AP Art 2D Portfolio Concentration 2017-2018. This section demonstrates and explores a specific material and concept.

Artist Statement

I was raised amongst the trees and forests in the mountains of Colorado, absorbing the world with all of my senses. Throughout my life this brought me to appreciate the spectacular displays of nature around me. There were times that I became frustrated when seeing others feeling entitled to nature, not acknowledging the beauty around them. My concentration depicts unappreciative characters oblivious to their surroundings.


Too often we are unaware of and ungrateful for the small and large things around us. Through my artwork, I hoped to encourage viewers to find the value and look for the otherwise unnoticed color and imagery in the world.  I began exploring the world from a macro point of view, choosing natural landscapes and environments to place characters into. Although this was the initial idea of my concentration, my approach evolved into something more focused on the small wonders as well. It wasn’t enough to just see the world at large, the minute details are just as important. I chose to ink the characters, bringing color to the landscapes in hopes of exaggerating the contrast and oblivion of these figures to their surroundings. I searched for different textures in magazines to balance each composition.

There are no limits to appreciation. Whether perceiving the details or the granour aspects of life, taking the time to be purposely aware of our surroundings awareness is the first step.

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