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  • Writer's pictureDevorah Goldberg

Fava Lava Dip

1 bag Fava beans frozen

(Or dried, soaked, and cooked)

1 C of chopped Parsley

4 cloves of Garlic

1/2 C Tehina

Water for desired thickness

1 tsp Chilli powder

2 tsp Cumin

1 tsp of Red Pepper Flakes

Salt & Pepper

Add the frozen Fava beans to a pot of water and heat up until tender and cooked through. (If you have the time, go through the beans and peel off the skin for a smoother dip.) Add the beans, Parsley, Garlic, Tehina, & Spices to a Food Processor. Blend. Slowly add cold water to the mixture while mixing until everything is blended and incorporated. Scoop out and save in the fridge. Keeps for 4-5 days.

Serving suggestions on a rice cake or cracker with sliced tomato, over a pasta or rice dish, I layered it with veggies and made a root veggie lasagna... so many options!

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