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  • Writer's pictureDevorah Goldberg

Steamed Greens Buddha Bowl

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

1 Sweet potato

1 Eggplant

1 Onion

1/4 C Fresh dill

4 Celery stalks

2 tsp Garlic powder


2 big hand fulls Collard greens


Flax seeds (optional)

Cut and bake the sweet potato & eggplant (halfed) with a drizzle of olive oil at 200 C for 45 min. In a pan place the cut up onion and saute until golden. Add in the chopped celery stalks, fresh dill, garlic powder and salt. Once all is incorporated add in the collard greens. splash in some water to help steam the greens stir and cover the pot. Cook for about 7 minutes or until desired tenderness. Once the sweet potato and eggplant are finished, serve it in a bowl along with a generous scoop of the steamed greens. Prepare some tehina (with curry powder for a different spice). Serve topped with tehina and flax seeds for an extra dose of nutrition. Enjoy!

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